it's called pando. the nickname is latin for "" spread but the tree is what's known as a quaking aspen clone. that means each leaf, branch and trunk are genetically identical. some leaves may be lger, some trunks taller, but if you look.n at the., there is no difference. aspen clones of various sizes can be found all over the ourthern hemisphere. there is debate just how old this tree is. some scientists estimate that i isted for thousands of years, but its' remarkable longevity is at risk. s pando rting to die. professor paul rogers is theah director of tate university's western aspen alliance. he compares pando to a human community. >> imagine a town. bu this case the pando clone of 47,000 peoplthey're all kind of the same age. they're all 90, 100, 115 years of age and that's no way to sustain a community bet an ecological one or a human one. >> reporter: for theast 10 years, he and his colleagues ouve been working to raise the alarm pando's impending >> we have no , we have no teenagers, we