this is where they were you think campfield type down some five hundred one of those from the launch pad both of them were this way. it would mean they've lost on the way to lengthy day i don't think i've seen any pagan lended on harm i've been given that one with a week to feel warm if there isn't a team belief to defend many times more than the force of gravity while on the ground no one was hurt either you want me to say or think of the average obama going through a lot before they leave the area never mind a powerful or a really think or locally think worth it if they roll flowers flowers here all the things that are found that i was wrong with what i want to praise for the emergency system. it is very emotional moment for everybody involved earlier i've had a chance to talk to some of these enthusiastic tourists let's take a listen to the quiz so we can see such an event only once in your lifetime one cannot miss it it's a great occasion it's very interesting and it's a huge step into space for all of the country as we came last year in october to see the space launch and as you