the clerk's office is good enough to not only send it to myself and karen wang and our assistant erica. when the assistant is included things happen. erica is the one responsible forgetting that resolution to the appropriate committees of the legislature and tracking it in the internal system. that all happens. at some point i want to talk to you both there is a quantity issue every year for the city. i don't want to call it quality issue but highest and best use. if i could briefly. the legislature, the new legislature introduced 2600 new bills. we have flagged based on historical understanding what the city might be interested in, your department, 600 of the 2600. that is a lot. that is probably at least double than for any of our other clients. that is a quantity issue. in terms of highest and best use what the city wants to prioritize in any given year and what should be prioritized legislatively and what should be prioritized through the state budget process, that is very dynamic and something we try to be at tuned to because of the return on investment we want to produce. so if a