we need familynification, so immigration reform is big, and today, we're going to hear from elizabeth perezuntry by our broken immigration laws. elizabeth inspes me. i want to be like her. she fights for her family and is incredibly courageous. she's so courageous that she's never been to a synagogue before today, but was willing to comeho and speak to us, so you'll join me in welcoming her. >> thanks, joy. >> yeah. (audiee applauds) >> thank you so much for inviting me to be here on the most holy day, yom kippur. i'm truly honored. my name's elizabet i'm your neighbor. i literally live five minutes green road in cleveland heights. we don't have a huge undocumented immigra population in beachwood, so before i met my husband, i really wasn't aware of a lot of things, probably like a lot of other people in our neighborhood, in our community, aren't aware. to me, it was just a political problem. i didn't really understand the realities. i'm, like, "well, people can apply. j why don't tht apply like everybody else who comes here?" that's what i thought. but not evybody can do that. or, i though