and we're back with gratz johnson former cyber criminal now cyber security expert who is now helping others to stay safe aligned brett i read a story about how you were teaching frot to the arian brotherhood when you were in prison i mean do you think the cyber criminals will live criminals are going to merge eventually and you know there will be no difference actually i think we are seeing that now now when i taught fraud or our how to commit fraud when i was in prison that was to remain safe i was i had to do that in order to to not be killed while i was in prison by various brotherhood or these other gangs that were around but what we see these days in cyber crime when i was so in gage and cyber crime you had to do you had this clear line separated physical crime from online crime you didn't have gentlemen that were engaged in both now that that's pretty much gone crimes today especially united states crimes today mix the two so today we've got people that will still mail from people's mail boxes once that mill is stolen they'll go ahead and go online and they'll try to pull the s