religion by the new eightest movement, whose spokesman, i the most entertaining one was christopher hitchens. but its chief spokesman was richard dawkins, the scientist. this is what dawkins has written and contempt of religious people. quote, religious ideas are irraggality. religious ideas are dumb and dumber. super dumb. this is the same lackingness we see in the claim that president trump is a white supremacist, russian agent, and an unfit for offers. yet every creator of the scientific revolution, galileo, newton, even darwin, believed in a divinity and was inspired by this belief. dumb? really? why is it the war -- why is the left at war with religious christians? for the same reason leftists are at war with america. the democracy christians created on the basis of christian ideas. christians believe in the uniqueness and sanctity of the individual soul. they believe in free will. and they believe in original sin. in the flawed nature of human beings. it's our flawed nature that makes the utopias of the left, communism, socialism, social justice, impossible to achieve and monstrous to