grining me now with a closer look at the imion landscape are julian aguilar, immigration and border security reporter withhe "texas tribune." he joins us via skype from el paso, texas. and a law professor from santa clara university. nice to have both of you here. >> thank you faving me. >> julian, let's begin with you. you're there on the border. what have you seen there? is the tide of asylum seekers truly at crisis proportions as president says it is. >> the word crise has thrown around a lot and i think even now democrats are starting to adopt thatlt termough they apply to humanitarian crisis where supporters say it's a security anumanitarian crisis. which en sort of hard line security stance. but the numbers are definitely we saw even last week, a week and a half ago, where border patutl wasng asylum seekers underneath the bridge. this is outside. they had a military-style tent and folks sleeping outside. and they said that was because it was full. i talked to directors, nonprofit organizattans, nongovernm organizations that say they're scrambling to find shelters for these so they're w