stoddart tried to bond you know almost personally with members of congress who are by and large very supportive of nato still so as you said it wasn't an easy target for him but he was bonding personally with them raising his personal family's issue and his personal experiences and always experience with terrorism and he also brought up the the main topics that are also of great concern to the united states primarily russia terrorism and the issue of fairness so i found that in that way it was it was quite quite smart but i also think there were some issues which i found interesting for instance on the i.n.f. treaty he explicitly. stated that nato does not does not have the intention to deploy land based missiles in europe i found that quite remarkable because as i perceive it that is not such a clear position of the u.s. currently because the us ambassador to nato has only stated that there would be no nuclear armed missiles in europe so we might still have a debate a about that in the future i'm not so clear if i'm not still so sure if that's really an issue that is already sorted