he served as sort of a mentor to this guy john elkman this john dominique, the ceo right now of fiatas a tremendous comfort level with the government so he was able to share his concerns with macron this is likely to have a good deal of support from the french government both companies are calling this a friendly deal. this is likely to go through neither one of them has a big presence in china. they're not helping each other out that way, and nissan can be a little bit of a spoiler in terms of the intellectual property that nissan shares in electronics and electronic vehicles and power train systems with nissan shares that's going to be hard if they don't like, you know, why are they going to help a competitor out here basically so they can kind of sort of mess up the deal a little bit on that siede. >> all of that is just getting started. thank you for your insight, and thank you for the comments i call it ten the hard way, five and five, i'll do it again tonight. jeff sonnenfeld of yale, thank you. >>> still on deck, devastating flooding in the midwest impacting lives and impactin