the officer who murdered stephan clark said he was acting by the book. well, the book is the law. so the training absolutely is necessarily but the training has to match the law. and so until we change the law, officers in other counties, officers in other municipalities are going to continue to be trained on reasonable versus necessary. so ab392 is important because we need to make sure that the law in the books changes today. i'm very aware of folks working towards a consensus bill, but the reality of it is, we have a bill in front of us that it does exactly what we need it to do and change the standard from reasonable to necessary and that's what we're here to support and focus on. if sacramento does get their act together and focuses on something that they can come together to save lives, sobeit. but right now in front of us, right here today, ab392 does exactly what we need it to do and we cannot change the training without changing the law. that will be the continued excuse for people who want to be compliecomplicit and the suppore have to continue to fight. >> is that a mot