david isenberg, medical director at the st.ouis planned parenthood clinic that is the last abortion provider standing in missouri. dr. isenberg, thank you so much for being here. i know this is a stressful and busy time for you. >> it is and i really appreciate the opportunity and for you to tell our story so well in the national media and explain what's been happening for women in missouri. >> thank you for saying that. i wanted to start off by giving you the opportunity to correct me if i have been getting any of this wrong. honestly, some of this really feels like dystopian fiction, so i'd be delighted if i have any of this wrong. basically the way we've been telling the story is accurate? >> perfectly accurate. as a physician taking care of women in the state of missouri, forced to do things that seem unthinkable, as you said, dystopian. it has been a difficult reality for me and my patients. and we do everything we can to provide the highest quality patient-centered care that planned parenthood has been known for for over