. >> thank you everyone, i'm heather green. [indiscernible - low volume] >> here's the mic phone. >> thank you. >> no problem. >> i'll be all right, i think. let's see. can you hear me okay? okay, so i'm here to report back on the piece of the mayor's executi executive directive that our office took the lead on working and close collaboration. let me thank the department of emergency management, the department of public health, the mayor's office, our city administrator for making all of this work possible. the piece that i'm talking about is the inventory of locations available for use during future poor air quality and other weather-related events. the directive was issued in the wake of the smoke event that we had last fall, but as director carol was just saying, we have heat coming to us as well, and those are both important types of events that we need to plan together because the systems that treat them are related, hvac and cooling, and we need to look at these things in tantum. we also heard that smoke is dangerous and