we weren't able to evaluate all 135 children play areas, but with meetings with nicole bohn, john paul scott department of public works and members of the rec and parks capital division, we were able to select 55 children's play areas to showcase, due to the quality of the features and amenities. the other children's play areas are going to be added at a later date. through research of other organizations and having meetings with the different departments, we were able to create an accessibility criteria. to establish what information should be displayed to the public. so going from left to right, we have a ramp that connects onto the play structure. accessible picnic table. accessible parking spots, accessible fountains, sensory play elements, play structures, adaptive swings and transportiers. for the need for my project came about due to the lack of easily accessible information on the website. so this is how the page -- this is how you would access any accessibility information on the website currently. so at the top of the page, you have the disability questions section. once you press