writers like kareena eckel don't need the critics approval to be rewarded with likes as long as they work clicks with readers online or off they don't need to get a good review feel bad ones. is a pakistani video artist based here in berlin and currently has a retrospective margin call p.s. bow and here she is in one of her video installations reading the news as a pakistani news reader and then as an india news read the news is the same but with a different slant of course an indian has taken an egg from a pakistani head all pakistani has taken an egg laid by an indian hand and this. international crisis. now of course there's much more. on the divisions between pakistan and india or actually much more. well a bit autobiographical because my parents are originally from india and migrated to pakistan so it is that's why it's me on both sides of the border so it's straight identities. and the politics of just post national this nationalist sentiment of separating languages on one upmanship whether it's the nuclear arms or you know casual jokes or ethnic humor. it's something we live w