the ppo and the xps. -- kpsa. on page 3, unlike last year, where we saw decreases in both plans, we're seeing pretty significant increases for 2020. so on the surface, you know, you would say, what is happening with this wild swing in renewals from one year to the next? that is another reason we wanted to put this document together before we dive into each individual plan and i'll talk about that here on the next page. so page 4 for the kaiser permanente plan, the kpsa medicare plan, so every year at this time when we present the rates in june, kpsa is still months away from receiving their final funding information from the federal government. specifically the centers for medicare and medicaid services. cms. we'll talk about cms in the presentations. there is funding that comes in from cms to support medicare retirees in the advantage plans and then the remaining rate is what cascaded to sfhss and guides contribution splits between employers and members. so last year, the reconciliation worked quite favorably for