i also spoke with lewis butler, who san architect, who i'm sure you're familiar with, he had 30 projects in san francisco, all 30 of them will come before you, in this law passes. we've already talked about the 1200 square foot maximum and where this number may arise and whether or not it truly represents family housing. so i won't take your time with that. i do want to point out that we make proposition m findings when we come before these commissions. and these findings demand that we make a maximum preparedness for earthquakes and when you take that in concert with the even temporary removal of walls, constituting demolition, we simply can't create the earthquake preparedness that we know we need. finally, in terms of process, i want to say in regards to transparency, i'm deeply disappointed by what i see as politically motivated piece of legislation. that is divisive, exclusionary and despite our -- as a -- thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is tim rooney. i lived in san francisco for over ten years, during that time i moved among seven different apart