. -- turner doesn't know what happened that day when he is captured a couple months later. the revolt has taken place. drinking,rmy, 40 guys ends up chasing off the field a small group of a dozen whites who had happened upon them. they ran into another group of whites who heard the sounds of the battle and they dispersed turner and his men. the next day, the revolt falls apart. people dispersed. it is a mess. , thendous amounts of county will be up in arms. what happens to turner? he escapes. months, he iswo away, until mid-october. i want to close with this. i want to draw your attention to what happens when he is discovered and the underappreciated lines that happened in the confessions. starting to go hunting, the document to the place. turner had hidden in his hiding space. gone to walk about, discover to me and sparked, on which thinking myself discovered, on making myself known they fled from me. what happens here? , some blacks are out hunting with their dog in the middle of the night. blacks are out hunting on october 15? what is going on? it doesn't make sense. after the revolt, the revolt was immediately in fact after the revolt, the whites i