now unfortunately, zubin's kitchen was stuck in the ' back to the present. take a look at this transformation. - now we're here with the homeowner, zubin anary, of this beautiful kitchen, and it is fantastic. but first i wanna ask, why did you need a kitchen, zubin? - our old kitchen was outdated. it came with the house. it was very late '90s. - oh yeah. - had a small, little island, a little seating area. it wasn't, it didn't, we didn't feel comfortable in it. so we decided that we needed a new kitchen. - we're seeing the before and afters, and you had the brown cabinets and all that cool stuff, just wasn't, didn't set the house on fire, right? - brown cabinets, black countertop, the cabinets were also getting old too. it just was not good. - alright, so then, how did you come in contact with kitchen experts? - well, that was the best part. so we were looking around different kitchen manufacturers out there and what not. and we couldn't find one that was great. one of our neighbors happened to had their kitchen done by kitchen experts