parade despite germany legalizing gay marriage 2 years ago harassment and discrimination against the l.g. beatty community still takes place for many people attending the parade taking a stand and speaking out is just as important as having a posse. the colors of the rainbow taking over the streets of berlin it's the 41st christopher street day here in germany scap until a celebration that the same time is a statement and a protest for equal rights and acceptance for the gay community. in germany especially in berlin we have a lot of freedom but we know about our sisters and friends in the east of just in the east of europe and other parts of the world which is why it's a really really dangerous to be homosexual if the kind we are not monsters we are loving people like everybody else we should not be beaten or killed and we have the same rights as everyone else. in the world groove mojo our grandmothers and grandfathers fought for this for us and we're with them we're fighting every day for diversity and equality for all and it's great fun to look at this year's parade owners and those who fough