was they would follow the progressive movement, because they were prominent women activists -- jane addams, florence kelley -- who were part of that active movement. political parties were very much hoping that they could incorporate women and that women would vote the same way that their husbands did. early on, they organized women's divisions and really tried to bring women into the party in a separate way. greta: and what was the outcome? dr. banaszak: well, it is hard to say, because we do not really know what women did in the voting booth -- obviously, we have a secret ballot. there are some political scientists who tried to estimate what the women's vote was based on some statistical analysis. mostly what they have uncovered is really not much different from men in those early elections, that women were not the progressive voters that many politicians thought they would be, but they did vote kind of with the regular party. greta: when, then, do women go from being voters to participating in politics and then running for politics themselves? dr. banaszak: so, um, women -- i would argu