as you come up, lee bishop, carla, david goldbrickner, donald gill son, christina morris. linda glick. greg scott, barbara colson and gabe. >> i am mark bernstein. my wife and i live at 3318 california street with three kids age 2, 5 and 7. our home is directly across the street from the project. how the property in the surrounding areas traffic streets parking is developed will have a large impact on our family's life. we appreciate the city's need for housing. i imagine few of us would be so noble to be excited about losing open space and trees and vistas with more traffic and less parking and more noise and construction hassles in our neighborhood. nonetheless, we are not so naive to think the proposed growth can be restricted. you will likely authorize new homes, more traffic and more noise across from our home. we get that and will support you. i am here to ask the planning commission and city to work hard to balance competing interest. the city should not price interest in public transportation by restricting parks paces so much it makes the homes unliveable. to take