michelle clairvaux with the german elim peak sports confederation is an expert on the use of performance enhancing substances including testosterone. testosterone plays a key role in regulating muscle mass and how the body responds to exercise size during a prolonged physical activity the muscles suffer a minor trauma so afterwards the body starts repairing the damage muscular tissue and increasing its strength and size. of this i'm awesome. until recently only professional athletes use performance enhancing drugs now amateur athletes a taking them as well. for users testosterone derivatives called anabolic steroids or commercial fitness studios is a huge problem right now. and we believe that 13 to 16 percent of all clients are used to doping proper asians mostly anabolic steroids and it's a lot more widespread among amateur athletes than it is among the professionals at the school is a. healthy males produce 40 milligrams of testosterone every day but for those who are trying to increase muscle mass and performance that amount is too little. christian for tried using testosterone suppl