most them don't have the training or the education to determine what's appropriate and serious foley kimo this case since the problem in the military is the convening authority who is not legally trained makes the final decision. they had a command at my old squadron where they got it right me it was still station. he'd only been and command for 4 days and he made the decision over illegal to stop the case what i saw was was commanders i mean these are field grade officers lieutenant colonels colonels. who have been in 2025 years you know they're career officers they sweep cases under the rug the last thing a company commander in the army wants to do is make the phone call to his or her battalion commander to say i have had a an allegation of a rape in my unit this is viewed in many cases as a failure to command that will adversely then affect their career sometimes you'd see a guy get for 5 years for selling minor mode of drugs and you'd see a guy get you know 2. the military hides behind this notion that it is really really hard almost impossible to prosecute but when you look at prosec