salad greens will to if they aren't covered monica's sandman switch to box made of composite of all phelim 6 months ago as the german waste disposal system doesn't cater for them some mom has come up with an interim solution. that customers can definitely return these bags to us and we'll compost them not all of our customers have compost heaps or a composting bin but they can bring them back to us compost wanted us to have some of. the vegetable delivery fan would also like to avoid using conventional plastic for their potted halves but because the thin film used for the leafy greens would come into contact with soil and the pots it would start decomposing too quickly causing it to rip too easily. xavier's have developed a new film for the application it takes twice as long to come past due the new film decomposes in $12.00 to $15.00 weeks in industrial facilities in natural conditions it takes longer to break down the new original cellulose film so it can come into contact with soil a moisture we can package plants with it without it breaking down straight away. avoiding packaging altoge