god can have a place in the lives of each one of the other was that in addition to theology bishop bauman also studied agricultural science and he represents his region at the pan amazon synod in rome attended by bishops from the 9 countries of the amazon region their agenda is comprehensive it ranges from poor infrastructure to de forestation of the rain forest and protection of this indigenous peoples all problems that have become more acute since a right wing government came to power in brazil in 201801 minute identity can we take a different approach this is not about us saying we are special or as the church are against progress or against development it is on the line was that all we have to question are so much that we can't do these things irrespective of the cost to us that we have to ask ourselves about sustainability and what we can do to build bridges the problems we have in the amazon region can be solved it's a push even opprobrium it to be our been allowed so an interest at. all but also lies at the heart of the amazon region the great river is only 2 kilometers wide at thi