thousands of them overran gharyan according to command to move tough shit in kata in order to turn the talents south of tripoli into a half dozen largest military base. but the conquerors underestimated the conquered . the world lekan are people who are outside of ghajar plan the attack but i mean he had the had no supports inside the city man that he had been there was an uprising of the people of it in medina janja none of the. hof terrorist fighters wanted to conquer tripoli from here but they lost their strategically important base at the end of june they were pushed back far into the country's interior now the front is 60 kilometers away from gharyan but half to his militia is still attacking guardian with finer planes even so many here like commander move talk and bread seller opterons mean hope the city will soon be at peace and. the future will be better gold wedding hopefully even better than now. it will be admitted hopefully go yon will have a good prosperous future. and there's no bazaar opponent stay on the outside we'll have peace and security men will he said and be admi