we got suter and harriet meyers, trump has given us excellent judges, excellent justices. he totally kept his promise on that. so in terms of what kind of country it is, i think it's much more dangerous when politicians just say screw you over and over and over again. part of the reason so many people came out to vote for trump is that he seemed crazy enough that he might actually keep his promises. and he has kept some of them, not the central one. i think that's a much bigger issue of betrayal. david: do you feel he has kept faith with you? ann: the good news is -- [laughs] on that, no. if you follow me on twitter, you know i've been a little testy with the president. [laughter] and i've been saying, you know, giving speeches over the past month or so, look, i'm sorry if you all support trump, but we've got 13 months to get him to keep his promises because either he loses and we don't have a second term, or he wins and he's not running for reelection again, so he doesn't have to keep his promises, and then it will be nothing but pushing trump hotels. and then i realized