in the early eighty's masato found a bacteria that was stans their herbicide roundup they were let's take d.n.a. from that bacteria put it into corn and eventually soy and cotton plants they said now we've got it you can ariel spray those crops with these toxic herbicides kill the waynes and the crops survive we have not done adequate that so you're going to see the issue is the chronic effects the long term and that's important. because people are chronically exposed so much so that irrespective of whether or not it accumulates they carry a load we know it's in the mother's milk whether or not it crosses in neutral to the placenta barrier i don't know but the issue was raised with the e.p.a. . why didn't you look for the chronic effects of glad to see a constant exposure and they said because it never accumulates 1st of all accumulate means you keep building it up like money in the bank but it doesn't matter if it accumulates or not if you're exposed to it every day or everywhere. to grow g.m. most that they're doing is they're just dumping copious amounts of poisons and chemicals o