huey and michael sweenny is in the back and helping us to get over the finish line. we would be happy to share any of the things we're working on at any point. just invite us. >> do you have much communication with nicole in sacramento? >> she just called me five minutes ago. >> give her our best. >> there's a motion and seconder to approve this item and any public comment? seeing none, i'll do the role call vote. (role call). >> the motion carries unanimously. and our next item is item 6, discussion and possible action regarding a proposed ordinance, board of supervisors 190974, amending the green building code to establish requirements for new building construction, requiring buildings exutilizeane electricity. amending the environment code to require a new construction of municipal buildings to exclude natural gas. members of the commission have a handout and i'll not show it on the screen. good morning. my name is barry cooper and i'll be discussing this item with you this morning. this is to improve public health and safety. san francisco is aiming for an 80% em