seems that with each new sunrise even more information is coming to the service at ronald reagan international airport for joining us our to america's foreign front back with the latest not only did investigators find out that a key feature wasn't installed on the boeing 7 $37.00 max but for the regular boeing $737.00 airliners the wings are starting to crack now boeing has reported this to the f.a.a. or the federal aviation administration and they are on to expect inspecting all other planes boeing says the cracks were found in the pickle forks which connect the plane's body to the wings of these pickle forks they're designed to last for more than 90000 landings and takeoffs well in a statement boeing says no in-service issues have been reported over the coming days we will work closely with our customers to implement a recommended inspection plan for certain airplanes in the fleet this issue does not affect any 737 max airplanes a boeing says the. issues were only found in a few planes and that there was no indication it would cause any flight issues for passengers now onto the other issue for boein