that come to mind when most people think of modern day japan in the woods of northern hokkaido shimon betts was on the lookout for deer. hunting is an integral part of the indigenous i know culture. but since he quit his job in the construction industry 4 years ago to pursue his dream of becoming a professional hunter it's part of his journey to connect with his i new identity or any member once a stranger said to me you know i knew that's disgusting and i was shocked i didn't know how he could tell you i was behaving completely normally being i knew hasn't always been easy but he was. a recent census counted some 13000 i knew in hokkaido down by half from 10 years ago but it's believed the real number could be much higher since many people are reluctant to identify as i knew almost one in 4 say they have experienced verbal abuse. japan only recently recognised the i knew as indigenous and began encouraging communities to promote the new culture. a new museum is under construction and due to open next april ahead of the tokyo summer olympics. this hill overlooks a battlefield where i knew f