. >> joining us for more, andrew handtell joins us, oncologist at dana farber cancer institute. dr. handtell, thank you for joining us. i kne unfortunately you h lost patients because of a shortage of drugs in the past. let's cut to the chase, what are the solutions that you can think ? is it just as simple as taking the profit motive out of some of the drug production in thi >> i think we have to think about it both in the short-term and long-termoriew. in the term, while all of these things a happeni in the private sector, like trying to incentivize companies to make more drugs and trying to pass legislation to both import ddgs and to f greater solutions, we need to have research to figure out how bot to allocate the drugs to patients when there's not enough, and to managehortages more generay. so i think it's both that there needs to be research done and there needs to be these different profit incentives for companies to t increase manufacturing. >> what is the best way to achieve that is it congression action? is it -- imean, there's disclosure as well i would think that has to