that is chris clarkson and rob wilkins. i am so appreciative of the work they have done. let's get to appomattox. in the years since 1865, as many of you well know, appomattox has been become shorthand for the swift close to the civil war, probably by grant's you term, not to be disturbed by u.s. forces unless the broke the law, but as major general george ah sharpe, assistant provost marshal, observed only one month after the surrender "a large number of flee's army were not the paroled at appomattox." let's talk about that. of the men evacuated after petersburg, only somewhere between 26000 and 28, 000, or to use 28,231 soldiers officially paoled at mr. fleitz: between the ninth and 12th paroled at appomattox between the ninth and 12th. a conservative estimate would suggest at least 20,000 of the's lee's men were not paroled at appomattox. i have compiled a list of 16,000 soldiers from a database, who were paroled somewhere behind appomattox. appomattox therefore creates a great irony. it was and continues to be seen as the end of lee's army, and therefore the war. disc