that challenge our bodily autonomy one of the most fervent opponents was state representative granita shannon as soon as this bill was introduced i immediately called it what it is which is the forced birthing bill for the women of georgia and i promised myself that if this bill hit the floor i would speak so long that i would force the speaker of the house to physically remove me and other health professionals and let my words or going to be mounted on their own herman x. that they be honest way around in the context of this she descended on the grounds that black women would be hit hardest by the ban wire is protected and in terms of number fashion of literacy maternal mortality tracks women dying due to complications related to pregnancy up to a year after giving birth and if you look at countries that have outlawed abortion immediately you see a spike sometimes up to 50 percent of more women dying in maternal mortality and black women are already $3.00 to $4.00 times more likely to die than their white counterparts. and it is the reason why black and brown women have come out so fiercely