news run by your neighbors people you know and trust and to pervert it into a tool of propaganda macchiavellihimself would be proud while the article she publishes are based on facts nothing alerts readers that korea publications aren't actually traditional i'm time newspapers but political instruments designed to get them to vote for democrats the movie titanic was based on facts the movie 300 about those spartans was also based on true events the end result was fiction i'm just giving you a heads up for the next time you hear the phrase based on facts it means fiction all of this is brought to you by a woman of questionable more ality mcgowan who go to yes we can campaign slogan tattooed on her arm because a bomb a sign that this is the kind of journalism a company acronym puts out warning it's a screamer. what tara is going to do is stalk you on lud of facebook buy up information about your browsing habits the stories you click if you're susceptible to fake news and then she's going to pay to serve you carefully tailored pro-democrat stories that have based on fact and after she's done wit