tight if you can see polluted air as a residue in the lungs the shiny covering here is the pohlmann a reply that surrounds each lung in directly beneath the pleura and we see this pattern of black dots these are carbon particles particles and it's the dirt this individual inhaled and that was deposited in his lungs. we believe about 20000 times every day passing some 10000 liters of air through our land particles smaller than 10 micro meters in diameter or p.m.t. into the nasal cavity and trachea our natural defenses allow us to cough or sneeze small amounts out of our bodies. but those defenses are overtaxed by large quantities of particles the respiratory tract swells up even smaller particles p. and 2.5 can enter the pole near a l.b. or lie and trigger brumfiel infections the result. pneumonia or bronchitis. we call a chronic inflammations those courses can create liberation of connective tissue fibrosis and along that produces the long elasticities in the patient experiences shortness of breath the hunger for air that is not curable what is tired of our. old refined particles into