and satish k.e kalpoes were released, it just crushed another level. >> it is now that i ask the world to help me. two suspects were released yesterday who were involved in a violent crime against my daughter. help me by not allowing these two to get away with this crime. >> she did her press conference and, blah, blah. and i think we got in trouble for calling the kalpoes criminals or something. but so what. >> the aruban legal system was being criticized for not holding some of the suspects longer. >> there are still many things we have to clarify, to investigate, to ask questions. so there is a lot of work to do. >> they released them because they weren't charged. >> the authorities now say that the cases against the kalpoe brothers are completely dismissed. >> calling them criminals when in fact they had just been released and there were no charges really turned public sentiment against her. >> we are here to support the police, whose authority has been questioned. people out there that are put