stanley wong is not his real name. his accounts cannot be verified independently, b but his story s in line with accounts from other tainees. at that time, border police had begun systemematically searching the phones of f hong kong verse- hong kongers crossing the bder to the mainland. he explaineded it was an authorized march and that t hong kong laws allowed him to participate but they would not listen. >> they said this was about a matter of national security and that it was not up to me to decide what endangering i it means. national security is above all other laws. when national security is concerned, they said we can catch you in hong kong or any other place in the world. >> wong was held in a single cell that had been covered in soft material. the blast door was translucent from the outside. all the lights left permanently on. over and over, they interrogated him asking him about connections to foreign nationals. >> i had to crouch like this for the duration of the interrogation. they placed me right under an