and i'm back with the nearest scientists barrenness susan greenfield susan i just want to bring you back into the the you know. the the raw stuff like saying with a consciousness you know until you game with the ripples of explanation because if we know that brain in this part answers like the frontal lobe for this and this hemisphere for that and that hemisphere that why can't we physically observe the thought because the brain doesn't work record load of mini brains yes you do have specialisation in different parts of the brain but it's more analogous to instruments in an orchestra or ingredients in a dish of food they have to synergize they have to work together it's not as if they're just functioning independently of each other so for example vision is divided up among about 30 different brain regions and any one brain region can participate in different functions rather like a violin might make a big deal many of us so you can't you have to think of the brain holistically and holistically i would argue in a body you can't try and reduce it as sometimes people like to do to a single