watching the hawks i am sure and joining us today from deep in the heart of ron paul country is daniel mcadams the executive director of the ron pauls to peace and prosperity always a pleasure having you on daniel thank you. great to be with you guys a real thanks for having me on so down just how much of a extremely big can of worms inside the o.p.c. w. as wiki leaks opened with this latest round of insider memos and unredacted report releases. it's absolutely unbelievable is some remarkable release it just it just goes along with what we've been seeing though and this goes back months and months where we saw originally a leak or a couple of months ago we saw an interim report we saw a report in the spring from engineers who said that the the issue of the ballistic the ballistics showed that the canister was unlikely to fall in the way they said so this is a. pattern those of us i've been watching have seen but unfortunately it's old age old tree falling in the woods the mainstream media is just not there to hear it it doesn't want to report it in fact newsweek journalist was fired or actuall