a colleague from the singapore university of technology is here on to visit. his research also benefits from the results from india because he can use them without any restrictions so one of the things we try to do we looking at chemical libraries and i did the fake molecules that can block an invasion of the palace it and then look at what's in the part of it or in the cell that are affected by these small molecules that line of research using that sort of molecules doing in my laboratory but only possible because of that often access library made available to a monkey. today the results are spreading faster than the pathogen itself. shanmugam is confident. we have discovered these 2 sets of molecules within the malaria box and once we understand how they work what is their target and then we will test whether better states have the ability to become resistant to these things. it's now completely normal for the research team into nay to exchange results with colleagues all over the world. it's a huge cultural change. one of the deep questions is how you train