and washington aaron brown back. all the way back in june 2015 we here watching the hawks interviewed a young dutch teenager by the name of boylan slop who dreamed of one day designing and engineering a technology that could be used to clean up one of the biggest stage human beings have ever put on this planet earth the massive pacific garbage patch see this young man's dreams eventually became the ocean cleanup project and last year less than 4 years after his interview with us his dreams well my friends they became a reality and now that reality of showing results is voyeurism bishop's project recently completed its 1st tour of duty at the garbage patch bringing back 61 cubic meter sized bags wow full of plastic trash everything from finishing that to plastic bags all the way down to one millimeter micro plastics recently i talked with a super director of the ocean cleanup hank vaughn dalan about this historic moment take a listen. well it was very awarding i must say we have of course been out on the ocean for 5 m