. >> in 2005, senator, you and i were in iraq, general john abizaid, then the u.s. military's commander of the central command, and we spoke extensively. did you ever think then in 2005 when we were in fallujah or other places, that iraq would be such a disaster? >> i did not. we were cautiously hopeful and many many days ahead that would be difficult but we thought we would see some progress. i returned to iraq about a year ago and there was some improvement, but what has happened and i think the studies pointed out, particularly the major commission study of the department of defense and army, that the real winner in the iraq war was iran. they were able to assert themselves into the political process and military affairs of the country so distinctively now they have great leverage there. you also have heard from some of your reporters, at least threats by the prime minister and other parliamentarians to evict the u.s. forces. they have the right to do that and we're only there at their discretion. that's something else the iranians will try to use, their politica