dave romular on the occasion of his retirement. dave romular has been with us for 30 years, maybe a little bit more. he joined in march -- more than 30 years, 1992 as the supervisor of the maintenance division plumbing shop. he came to us as a journeyman plumber and immediately became a very well-respected supervisor. he's really revered by staff and tenants alike because he's a problem-solver. he is always providing input to engineering design for our own repairs and for tenant repairs. he initiated the deduct water meters to capture tenant water use for billing. he developed improved back flow maintenance, repair, and replacement programs. he was the lead person on the design and installation of the automated sewer pump controls and supervisor control and data acquisition systems. more recently in his career, he's been very renowned for his photography. he has been asked by rene and now randy to take the perfect shot for our port information. and he has taken many, many beautiful photographs at port events. i understand he has ov