eichler?stop going to chili's, but turns out their loaded boneless wings are the only thing keeping me alive. ( applause ) meanwhile, police say that bed bugs were intentionally released into a pennsylvania walmart. either that, or even bed bugs can't resist an $8 dvd player. ( laughter ) meanwhile, weed became legal in illinois as of the new year, and "marijuana shops sold more than $10.8 million worth of recreational weed in the first five days of sales." ( applause ) or to put that in terms that stoners will understand: you know rick wakeman's organ solo in "roundabout?" that much weed. (laughter) meanwhile, a new start-up wants to help companies cut down on long bathroom breaks with a "toilet that developers say will make people want to leave after five minutes." oh, our workplace already has a device that makes you want to leave the bathroom. his name is jeff. ( laughter ) consider a salad, jeff. this new toilet makes using them uncomfortable with a "seat that is sloped forward by about 1