which is 99.9% of our citizens who fill out their forms only to send them in with people like formter city librarian who was a crook. you don't seem to care about that. it doesn't seem to, you know, register on your radar at all. as far as the policy prioritization plan. i have been here a dozen years. it doesn't matter who the staff or executive director is. i had high hopes for the correct executive director. mr. st. croix was a crook. he was nothing but, basically, i have been disappointed over and over. i don't think this ethics commission has any intention of doing anything to affect the ethics of this city. >> thank you. any other public comment. >> agenda item 9. discussion of monthly staff enforcement report, including an update of various programs and operational high lights of the enforcement program's activities since the last monthly meeting. >> thank you. this month's report provides highlight of one of the new protocols that we have implemented within the enforcement division, and by way of background, the goal of the enforcement division, something we have spent a considerab