what was surprising once i'd ovi into the boxes at the national archives in maryland and started gettingords declassified, is how much documentation there was of the women's contribution. i was able to verify every memory the women had, get personnel records, like this thing about code groups being divisible by three, they remembered these noon position messages, dot remembered the overlaper station, they would overlap messages to look at patterns. and when i went into the paper record, all those memories were documented. it was a multi-year journey to try to do it, and i'm grateful to the museum and other places that helped a lot. >> to your left, near the front. >> i wanted to give it plug to your book. it is part of the masters program put on by the museum at arizona state. it's a wonderful book. my question relates to the civilian sector, the african-american unit. what type of discoveries did they learn from companies helping hitler? >> great tuqáurjqqr"t ul document. i have a request in with the nsa to get some underlying interviews that were done. the nsa published a small pamphle