housekeeping eating studying sleeping closing the door and so forth you're trying to build robots in shin jan know what you're read about reminds most of people of a training camp over training that reminds people of the intrusion counters in the mind of people of concentration and what will serve china to concentrate people up to let's say in using only at number 1000000 or 2000000 this is not a concentration camp as far as based on my personal knowledge of my dealings with the wiggles brothers or sisters in john this is not what you are describing are violent far cry from reality. not not according to the evidence seen by the un and democratic governments around the world these camps let's call them concentration camps they violate all basic rights and freedoms belong to human beings under the universal declaration of human rights which you are supposed to abide by not i would say that china fight this war against terrorism led the british fight your war against spread terrorism and lead stalled confused terrorism extremism and the separatism with what you would call human rights and democr