economics who significantly disagree with the course that we're following people who just stiglitz paul krugman others none of them were even approached the people picked to fix the crisis were those who created the robert rubin crowd the goldman sachs croak they created the crisis are no more powerful than before is that accident well not when you pick those people to create an economic plan and then what do you expect to happen. meanwhile for the poor let market principles prevail don't expect any help from the government the government the problem not the solution and so on that's essentially neo liberalism and it's has this dual character which goes right back in economic history one set of rules for the rich opposite set of rules for the poor. and nothing surprising about this exactly the dynamics you expect if the population allows it to proceed she's going to go on and on like this until the next crash which is so much expected that credit agencies which kind of evaluate the. status of firms are now counting into their calculations the taxpayer bailout that they expect to come in after t