managed to defend their lead despite a late tottenham onslaught billionaire goldman's been called baby marino well he edged out the real mourinho in their 1st ever meeting. every now and then athletes come along with abilities beyond their years in russia a very young girl has caught the eyes of the snowboarding world she's already a hit on social media and hopes are high for the child prodigy. she could become the face of russian snowboarding in the future that. has already mastered 360 degree jumps and 540 degree spins. but get this she's only 6 years old snowboarding obviously runs a new d.n.a. her father is her coach and a former competitive snowboarder. we wanted to put her on skis but she just came and took my big snowboard she got on it with both feet and rode away. no matter the season she's always finding a way to finesse her skills in the summertime she tends to skateboarding. that it's on the slopes she feels at home vasily some practices for 5 hours a day. could go away she jumps at 6 years old there's no one like that in russia and i'm afraid not even in the us sure there are children